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19" x 23" |
No, this is not a call for help - though if you saw my sewing room at the moment you'd say I really do NEED help!
But I'm talking about the first of May. The tradition involves leaving a basket, usually with flowers or trinkets within, at the doorstep of a friend or loved one- ringing the bell and running away. Apparently if you catch the culprit a kiss is your reward....at least that's one story on
Wikipedia where you will find out more than you ever wanted to know about this holiday. Quite an interesting and complex history going back to pre-Christian times.
I have to admit I have never left a basket for anyone....Nor have I found one at my doorstep. Sniff, sniff. But I do have a few basket and flower themed quilts to share.
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Signature Quilt - 17" x 23"
Hand Quilted
This little quilt is the result of a group project with eleven quilting friends, the Quiltin' Babes. (see our
red and white quilts from last Christmas)
Each of us made and signed a basket - actually 12 baskets - and we assembled and finished them according to our own taste.
As I think you know, I DO love a 9 patch...and this variation seen in an old magazine caught my eye. The block close-up will make it easy for you to duplicate if it strikes your fancy. Blocks are separated with neutral sashing.
70" x 80" |

I made if for my mother-in-law on her 80th birthday.
I seldom machine quilt but in this case it got 'done' in a timely way and she was thrilled.
Many quilts I've made for loved ones have come back to me....this is one of them.
I also seldom do 'fancy' labels but for gifts it's nice and this block lent itself to miniaturizing for a cute, coordinating label.
Here's a top of colorful baskets - I used to belong to lots of guilds and took part in the block exchange drawings. I won these blocks years ago, put the top together in the zig-zag strip style and....that's where it stopped!
It's huge....Do I want to finish it? For which bed? Will I add a border?
90"W x 80" L |
Close-up of pink print |
This pattern, Window Box, is from the book
Watercolor Quilts by Magaret and Slusser. I made it in 1995 when the 'watercolor' technique was the newest excitement. With the exception of the border, it is entirely composed of 1.5" squares and hand quilted with a bit of beading (dew!)
I recall the careful positioning of each square on my design wall - and walking by and changing things until finally I had to say, "Sew it together!" I heard of one woman who did the same deliberating with the entire family making changes as they scrutinized it. She was finally ready to sew.... when a gust of wind rearranged the pieces!!
Window Box
24" x 26" |
I do have other quilts with floral themes but these represent the 'springiest'. I'll end with the vintage basket quilt I showed you in a recent post....currently gracing my guest room wall.
Happy May !!
Did someone leave a basket at your door?