"Cool! Great idea," I thought.
The idea was wide spread, apparently, because a lot of us fell for it. Decades later, we "ladies of a certain" age are saying, "How the heck can I use up all these strips?"
Today I finished this little doll quilt - the result of restlessness over isolating, quarantining, a life where going to the grocery store is an exciting outing.
I needed to stitch and stitch and not think...so I pulled out the bin of 1.5" strips, squares, partial units and rows and put this together.
Just in time I remembered, I'm trying to use up strips - so I pieced the back using partial units and some 2.5" strips.
(I'm heading toward diving into improv style so this is a warm-up)
I practiced free motion work with loops and an occasional heart. I had to cut binding from yardage.
I have lots of 'binding leftovers' but none were long enough or quite right. I needed a solid -the piece was busy enough already.
A look at my labelled containers on shelves
And here are just a few of the projects I’ve made with those handy dandy strips….all scrappy by necessity, right? No matchy-matchy color coordinated ‘line’ of fabrics from Marcus Brothers or Judy Rothermel.
this is a top in progress...
I guess those strips were a pretty good idea after all!
Did you get into that - and are you still trying to use them up?
Adventure in Improv Coming up!